Over the last several months and years, there has been an avalanche of independent peer-reviewed and published scientific literature and evidence that irrefutably shows and proves that glyphosate (the “active” ingredient in Monsanto's Round Up Ready herbicide used on both GMO crops and conventional crops as a desiccant) is literally killing the soil, crops and plants, livestock, animals, bees, butterflies, birds and other pollinators as well as humans! Please read this report and these articles that provide an overview of the scientific evidence on the human and animal health and environmental hazards of glyphosate/Roundup.
Glyphosate residues have been found and are present throughout our food supply; over 90% of all processed so-called "food" and drinks in the supermarkets in North America contain GMO ingredients (GM corn, soya, canola, sugar beet, etc.) sprayed with Monsanto's RoundUp herbicide, as well as non-GMO crops such as conventional wheat, grain, peas, beans, lentils, fruits and vegetables, etc. sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant to kill the plants before harvest! Please read this article by Dr. Thierry Vrain - an expert on genetic engineering and glyphosate - on the widespread presence and dangers of glyphosate and Monsanto's Round Up herbicide in our food supply.
Furthermore, glyphosate and RoundUp have also been found in the soil, in water ( rivers, lakes, streams, ocean, underground water, wells, tap water, in the air and even in rain water. Indeed, according to Paul Capel, author of research published by the US Geological Survey: "Though glyphosate is the mostly widely used herbicide in the world, we know very little about its long term effects to the environment. This study is one of the first to document the consistent occurrence of this chemical in streams, rain and air throughout the growing season."
Worse, glyphosate has also been found in the urine, blood and in the breastmilk and the embryo of pregnant women in the US! Furthermore (it gets worse), several peer-reviewed and published scientific studies have linked glyphosate to a myriad of chronic human illnesses and diseases such as cancer, infertility, miscarriage, birth deformities, Parkinson's, Alzeimer, dementia, depression, autism, etc. (list not exhaustive)
Moreover, on March 2015 the World Health Organization (WHO) found and declared that glyphosate can probably cause cancer in humans. Please read this very informative article that explains and provides a background to the WHO glyphosate carcinogen findings as well as this recent article which argues that glyphosate is a human carcinogen.
Strong statistical correlation between glyphosate and autism
Last but not least, over 300 scientists, academics, researchers, farmers, etc. from over 12 countries met in Beijing, China in July 2014 at the Food Safety and Sustainable Agriculture Forum to share and discuss the growing scientific literature and evidence of the human, animal and environmental dangers of glyphosate and Round Up Ready herbicides applied on both conventional food crops and GMO crops respectively. Alarmingly, they found and concluded that glyphosate and Round Up herbicides are indeed killing the soil, the crops and plants, the livestock and animals and humans!
Note: China is the largest producer of glyphosate in the world and the largest importer and consumer of GM Soy and GM corn used for both animal feed and human "food," copiously sprayed with glyphosate/Roundup (produced mainly in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA and Canada). Please read this very informative article that explains how China's policies are destroying the planet's environment and poisoning its own people.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the EU European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) and Health Canada are currently “re-evaluating” glyphosate this year (2015), and they will be re-approving and re-authorizing its use for another 10-15 years. You can read the deceitful scientific fraud and manipulation and the controversy surrounding the re-evaluation of glyphosate in the EU by reading this article as well as this report by Friends of the Earth Europe on the re-evaluation and re-approval of glyphosate in the EU.
However, in spite of the mountain of independent published peer-reviewed scientific literature and evidence on the human, animal and environmental hazards of glyphosate and Monsanto's RoundUp, all the Western regulatory agencies have approved and authorized the widespread use of glyphosate and of Monsanto's Round Up - both of which have never been independently tested and studied.
In fact, none of the regulatory agencies have ever tested and studied either glyphosate or Monsanto's RoundUp independently, which contains not only glyphosate as its "active" ingredient but also other highly toxic adjuvants which - according to peer-reviewed and published scientific research conducted by professor Gille-Eric Séralini - makes it more toxic than glyphosate alone. You can read Professor Séralini's study (re)published in Environmental Sciences Europe at this link.
However, all the Western regulatory agencies categorically refuse to test Monsanto's RoundUp, and instead simply rubber stamp industry-supplied data and funded studies on glyphosate/Roundup. Furthermore, both Monsanto and the regulatory agencies categorically refuse to provide the public and independent scientists and researchers with the industry data and industry supplied/funded studies they used to "evaluate" and approve the sale and use of glyphosate, RoundUp and other highly toxic, poisonous and lethal herbicides and pesticides.
In fact, the EFSA, the German and the Chinese governments have repeatedly and categorically refused to provide the public and independent scientists with the industry funded studies that they used to "evaluate" and approve glyphosate and Monsanto's RoundUp in the EU in 2002 and in China in 1998 . What are they hiding from independent scientists and from the public...? Monsanto claims that their toxicity studies used by the regulatory agencies are "commercial secrets." Please read this article on the subject as well as this very informative article on the toxicity of Monsanto's RoundUp herbicide used on GMO crops.
This is truly a Crime Against Humanity!
PMRA/Health Canada's approval of Dow's Enlist Duo/2,4-D
Breaking news (22 June): The WHO/IARC has finally declared and classified 2,4-D as a possible human carcinogen. This is very significant since both Health Canada and the US EPA have granted regulatory approval in 2013-2014 for Dow's Enlist Duo herbicide/GMO's which contains not only glyphosate but 2,4-D! This puts a nail in the coffin of Dow's Enlist Duo and its 2,4-D tolerant GMO crops!
Weeds have naturally and predictably developed resistance to both glyphosate and Roundup. As a result, “farmers” have to spray a cocktail of more and more toxic herbicides – including 2,4-D - to combat weed resistance, further exponentially increasing the use of toxic herbicides on our “food” crops and in the environment, leading to further human and animal poisoning and widespread environmental destruction.
Incredibly, PMRA/Health Canada has entirely ignored the issue of weed resistance in its re-evaluation of glyphosate. In fact, there is no mention of glyphosate-resistant weeds anywhere in the Environmental Considerations of the PMRA's Proposed Re-evaluation decision for glyphosate.
Glyphosate-resistant weeds in Canada.
A report published this week by the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) reveals that
Even Monsanto’s technical development manager, Rick Cole, publicly recognized the problem of weed resistance to glyphosate/Roundup: " The problem of weeds that have developed a resistance to
Roundup crops is real and [Monsanto] doesn’t deny that, however the problem is manageable” he
“Solution” offered by Monsanto: Use a cocktail of more toxic herbicides…
According to Monsanto press releases, company sales representatives are encouraging farmers to mix
glyphosate and older highly toxic herbicides such as 2,4-D - which is banned in Sweden, Denmark and Norway over its links to cancer, reproductive harm and mental impairment - to combat weeds
resistance to glyphosate/Roundup, which will further exacerbate the problem of weed resistance,
further poison and destroy the environment and further poison us...
As Einstein rightly said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
Several countries have banned glyphosate and Monsanto's RoundUp
Several countries have already banned glyphosate and Monsanto's RoundUp: Denmark banned RoundUp in 2003 after it found that it contamined its drinking groundwater supply; the Netherlands has banned all (non-commercial) glyphosate use citing health hazards; Sri Lanka and El Salvador banned it in 2013 following an epidemic of kidney disease and failure among its agricultural workers; Brazil has recently filed a lawsuit to ban both glyphosate and RoundUp sprayed on GMO crops; and Russia has prohibited all importation and cultivation of GMO's.
Glyphosate is everywhere in our environment
What is important to note and to understand is that glyphosate - the "active" ingredient in Monsanto's RoundUp Ready herbicide sprayed on GMO crops - is widely found, sold and used in hundreds of other weed killers and widely used on private and public lawns, parks, schools, golf gorses, railway tracks, etc. and other public areas. Thus we are not only exposed to it through residues in our food supply, water, etc. but also in our daily outdoor activities. It is truly everywhere in our environment and we are all literally eating it, drinking it and breathing it everyday!
Health Canada favorably "re-evaluates" and re-approves glyphosate
Tragically, Health Canada has favorably “re-evaluated” and re-approved glyphosate on 13 April 2015, based exclusively on biased and deeply flawed industry-supplied and/or funded studies, while entirely ignoring the mountain of independent peer-reviewed and published scientific literature and evidence on the human, animal health and environmental hazards of glyphosate and Monsanto's Roundup.
Here is a statement published on Health Canada's website regarding their "re-evaluation" of glyphosate: "After a re-evaluation of the herbicide glyphosate, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), is proposing continued registration of products containing glyphosate for sale and use in Canada. An evaluation of available scientific information found that products containing glyphosate do not present unacceptable risks to human health or the environment when used according to the proposed label directions."
In fact, in my recent correspondence with both Rona Ambrose - the Canadian Health Minister - and Richard Aucoin - the Executive Director of the PMRA - regarding PMRA/Health Canada's re-evaluation of glyphosate, Mr Richard Aucoin has himself admitted and written in response to my letter of inquiry that “ PMRA does not conduct animal or environmental toxicity studies for pesticide active ingredient or products.”
Furthermore, PMRA/Health Canada simply "analyze" "secret" and "confidential" industry supplied data and rubber stamp industry supplied and/or funded studies which have not been peer-reviewed and published in scientific journals. In fact, Mr. Richard Aucoin himself admits and writes in his letter in response to my inquiry on the subject that “these studies are conducted either by the applicants or by industry-sponsored independent third party laboratories [...], “that this raw data is not provided in peer-reviewed scientific publication” and that “the decision to publish these studies is that of industry.”
Is there not a flagrant conflict of interest and gross scientific bias in reviewing industry supplied "secret" data and/or funded studies that have not been peer-reviewed and published in scientific journals ? And can there be any scientific integrity with such flawed and bias methodology and any scientific validity with the findings and conclusions of such bias studies ?
Furthermore, PMRA/Health Canada have totally ignored and dismissed the credible and alarming conclusion of the IARC scientific study which found and declared that glyphosate was a probable human carcinogen. Health Canada states that " The World Health Organization's (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recently assigned a hazard classification for glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic to humans". It is important to note that a hazard classification is not a health risk assessment. The level of human exposure, which determines the actual risk, was not taken into account by WHO (IARC). Pesticides are registered for use in Canada only if the level of exposure to Canadians does not cause any harmful effects, including cancer." Source: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/cps-spc/pest/part/consultations/_prvd2015-01/prvd2015-01-eng.php#a4
Is there truly any "safe" level of human exposure for a highly toxic chemical/product that is found to be a probable human carcinogen by the world authority on cancer...? Furthermore, traditional toxicology erroneously believes that " the dose makes the poison." However, scientific evidence now reveals that this statement is, in many cases, inaccurate and quite often the opposite is true (please read the study below).
Glyphosate Risk Assessment: Health hazard vs health ris

Please also read this recently published study on the toxicity of glyphosate and Roundup below regulatory levels.
Last but not least, Dr. Anthony Samsel recently obtained and analyzed the "secret" "confidential" data submitted by Monsanto to the US EPA in the late 1970's for the approval of glyphosate in the US and alarmingly found that "glyphosate has an inverse dose-toxicity relationship."
Worse, Dr. Anthony Samsel found that both Monsanto and the EPA knew OVER 40 YEARS AGO that glyphosate/Roundup caused cancer and other chronic and deadly diseases in both animals and humans; however, Monsanto falsified and hid its own toxicological data and the EPA rubber-stamped and approved the sale and the use of cancer-causing glyphosate/Roundup in the US and around the world for the last 40 years! Please read this alarming investigative article as well as this article. Both Monsanto and the EPA MUST be sued and tried for Crimes Against Humanity and ALL Life on this planet!
Rachel Parent - a young Canadian activist lobbying in favor of GMO labeling in Canada - has also recently met with the Canadian Health Minister (after waiting for more than a year) and with Health Canada officials to discuss the issue of GMO labeling and food safety in Canada. You can read her reflections and notes on her meetings with both the Canadian Health Minister and Health Canada officials published here and you can also follow her work on her website.
Both Rona Ambrose/Health Canada and Richard Aucoin/PMRA have a public mandate and a legal obligation and responsibility to make sure that the food Canadians eat, the water they drink and the air they breathe is safe for human consumption and for their health and to protect our environment. However, glyphosate and Monsanto's RoundUp are now ubiquitous in our food supply, soil, water, air, environment and bodies, which puts the health of millions of Canadians at serious risk of a myriad of chronic diseases and the lives of millions of Canadians at grave danger of premature death.
I have written to both Rona Ambrose and Richard Aucoin to express my deep concern and worry over PMRA/Health Canada's favourable re-evaluation of glyphosate and have asked them both to carefully analyze and take into account all of the peer-reviewed and published scientific literature and empirical evidence on the human and animal health and environmental toxicity of glyphosate, Monsanto's RoundUp and Dow's Enlist Duo herbicides, and to urgently use and apply the Precautionary Principle to outright ban the further importation, sale and use of both glyphosate, Monsanto's RoundUp and Dow's Enlist Duo in Canada to protect both our health and our environment.
Glyphosate, Monsanto's RoundUp and Dow's Enlist Duo herbicides (and ALL other toxic herbicides and pesticides) MUST urgently and indefinitely be BANNED from this planet! Nothing less than the future survival of humanity and of all life on this planet is at stake!
Breaking News update (27 April, 2015):
Furthermore, over 30,000 physicians from Argentina have written to the government to ban glyphosate in Argentina. In a published statement they write: “Glyphosate not only causes cancer. It is also associated with increased spontaneous abortions, birth defects, skin diseases, and respiratory and neurological disease.” Argentina is the third largest producer of GM soy and GM corn.
Breaking News update: 13/05/15
Over 350 retail stores in Germany have also decided to remove and to ban the sale of glyphosate/Roundup across Germany.
(14 May) The International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE) have written a letter to the President of the EU Parliament to request a ban on glyphosate-based herbicides and other toxic pesticides used in the EU.
Bermuda has also decided to ban the importation and sale of glyphosate/Roundup following the WHO's classification of glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen.
(08 June) Over 80 scientists have signed an open letter to all governments to ban glyphosate and Monsanto's RoundUp due to its toxicity to both human and animal health and the environment/biodiversity.
(17 June) Breaking news: France bans sales of Monsanto's Roundup
Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini has published a landmark study on the toxicity of lab feed used in the control group; in fact, professor Séralini has alarmingly found that all the feed used in the laboratory control groups is contaminated with glyphosate/Roundup, GMO's and other toxic chemicals. This is very significant because it falsifies and invalidates all GMO and pesticides toxicity studies and approvals carried out over the last +15 years.
Moreover, Dr. Anthony Samsel has obtained and analyzed the "secret" data from Monsanto submitted to the US EPA in 1978-1980 for the approval of glyphosate. Alarmingly, Dr. Samsel found that Monsanto had falsified the data submitted to the EPA using "historical controls" to hide the toxicity of glyphosate on human health. Furthermore, Dr. Samson also analyzed samples of the lab chow used in the laboratory control group and found that "all of them were contaminated with glyphosate, GMO's, vitamin inducing cancers and folic acid which causes mammary tumors."
Dr. Samsel explains that using glyphosate, GMO, etc. in lab chow to feed control groups falsifies the result of all toxicology studies and invalidates the regulatory approval of all GMO's and pesticides. He concludes by saying that all GMO and pesticide studies submitted for regulatory approval over the last +15 years must be reviewed and that "science will have to reconsider the safety of glyphosate. Glyphosate is not a probable human carcinogen. It IS a human carcinogen" concludes Dr. Samsel.
Dr. Samsel is currently writing a paper on glyphosate and cancer which will be published this fall (2015). Please watch and share this alarming and landmark interview with Dr. Anthony Samsel.
To be followed...
News update on the IARC findings and classification of glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen:
The WHO has appointed a so-called Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) "expert task force" which is in charge of assessing the risks of pesticide residues in food and performing risk assessments for regulatory purpose. However, a coalition of CSO found that three of the eight task force "experts" have financial and professional ties to Monsanto and to the biotech and chemical industry. The CSO have written a letter to the WHO/FAO/JMPR to denounce this flagrant conflict of interest. I am enclosing an article on the subject as well as a copy of their letter
Please watch and widely share this 10 minute documentary and this BBC documentary that gives a (tragic) glimpse of the human Genocide and the environmental Ecocide resulting from the growing of Monsanto's GM Roundup Ready soy in Paraguay (and elsewhere in South America) using glyphosate and Monsanto's toxic, poisonous and lethal RoundUp herbicide.
What is important to understand is that all of the GM soya and corn produced in South America ( Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, etc.) as well as in the US and Canada is used mainly to feed livestock in affluent meat consuming countries such as the US, Canada, the EU, Japan, China, etc. Therefore, all those who consume (non-organic) meat (beef, pork, chicken, etc.) and their produce (milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, etc.) - through ignorance or worse indifference - are as responsible and guilty as Monsanto et al. of the resulting human Genocide and the Ecocide of the planet. In fact, if hundreds of millions of people stop buying and eating meats (and their produce) that is fed GM soya and GM corn (and now GM alfalfa), as well as all processed so-called "food" that contain GM soya, maize, canola, sugarbeet, etc. (+90% of all processed "food" and drinks), Monsanto and the entire biotech industry would simply and inevitably collapse...
Peaceful, non-violent, non-cooperation with the system and the oppressor...
I believe that the recent avalanche of independent peer-reviewed and published scientific literature and documented empirical evidence of the human and animal health and the environmental hazards of glyphosate, could very well be Monsanto's and the biotech industry's Achille's heel. In fact, over 90% of all GMO's produced in the world are herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops which require and use glyphosate and RoundUp Ready herbicides (please see graph below). Thus, if we all can successfully lobby the regulatory agencies to ban glyphosate, then it would no longer be possible for Monsanto and the biotech industry to grow GMO's, which would lead to the collapse of Monsanto and the biotech industry! No glyphosate = no RoundUp = no GMO's = No Monsanto = no more biotech industry!
Thank you for widely and urgently sharing this crucial information to raise awareness about this deadly issue before it is too late...
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