Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
MORALITY & ETHICS: Do unto Others as you would have done unto thy Self.'
Morality Ethics: Discussion of Philosophy Metaphysics of 'Do Unto Others' as Fundamental Morality, Quotes: ""
It has become appalingly obvious that our technology
has exceeded our humanity...; morality is of the
highest importance, but for us, not for God.
Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive!"
Albert Einstein
" Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power;
we have guided missiles and misguided men. If we are
to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those
precious values: that all reality hinges on moral
foundations and that all reality has spiritual
control...The moral arc of the universe bends at the
elbow of justice."
Martin Luther King
" morality is the basis of all things and Truth is the
substance of all morality."
Mahatma Gandhi
What our species needs, above all else, is a generally accepted ethical system
that is compatible with the scientific knowledge we now possess.
Derek Freeman
Friday, April 25, 2008
INDIA-AFRICA FORUM SUMMIT (2008): The new "Scramble for Africa"
CPP warns against 'New scramble for Africa'
Posted on Friday 11 April 2008 - 10:50
source: Francis Ameyibor, AfricaNews reporter in Accra, Ghana.
A Ghanaian political movement, the Convention People's Party (CPP), has followed with absorbing interest the India-Africa Summit of 8-9th April 2008 in the Indian capital of New Delhi, which followed one held by China in Beijing in 2006 and a number of others between Africa and the European Union. At the end of the Indian Summit, a 'Delhi Declaration' and 'Africa-India Framework for Cooperation' were issued ostensibly to the satisfaction of both parties.
In a working document made avaliable to the in Accra, Mr Kosi Dede, Chairman of the CPP's Publicity Committee said while the CPP fully supports cooperation between peoples and nations of good-will from all over the world, we are also worried that unless these “declarations” and “frameworks” are jointly developed to take proper account of the varied and sometimes even conflicting interests of the parties involved, African leaders may end up being unwitting participants in a new Scramble for Africa to the detriment of our people.
In the original Scramble for Africa, the continent was carved up into competing spheres of foreign economic influences and its natural resources used to fuel Europe’s industrial revolution at the expense of Africa’s own development. We don’t want history to repeat itself.
In the case of the India Summit, the Delhi Declaration appears designed primarily to facilitate India’s quest for rapid industrialisation and development while implicitly seeking to cement Africa’s position in the global economy as the provider of raw materials for the industrialisation of other economies.
Under the Delhi Declaration, India promises a US$5.4bn credit facility for African countries to import a range of industrial products from India, including tractors, water pumps, transportation equipment, and communication gear.
In return, India offers Africa “duty free” access to its market for the following: “cocoa, cotton, cashew nuts, sugarcane, ready-made garments, fish-fillets, copper and aluminium ore, as well as non-industrial diamonds.”
With the exception of “ready-made garments”, which in any case may face resistance from India’s apparel industry, all the products for which Africa is seemingly being granted preferential access are the kinds of primary commodities whose concentration in Africa’s exports has contributed immensely to the continent’s economic and social stagnation.
Indeed, India already has negligible tariffs on most primary commodities from Africa, but maintains high tariffs on processed exports from the continent. This has the effect of promoting India’s industrial development through the conversion of raw materials into finished goods while retarding that of Africa because raw materials are exported unprocessed. For example, in order to promote its leather goods industry, India imposes only 0.1% tariff on raw hides from Africa but charges 14.7% and 15.0%, respectively, on leather and leather products from Africa.
Indeed, an Indian-owned cashew company in Tanzania cannot export processed cashew to India due to high tariffs because India wants to protect the cashew processing industry in India. Numerous examples abound.
By proposing “duty free” access for African raw materials, whose tariffs are already very low, India is effectively offering nothing to Africa, while it uses low-interest government-subsidised loans to lure Indian finished products into Africa without offering reciprocal access for Africa’s finished products.
"We deem this unfair. It will lead to the collapse of African industry, create high unemployment, and worsen poverty on the continent", a CCP spokesperson said.
"We, therefore, call upon the African Union to scrutinise the Delhi Declaration carefully before giving it its full blessing. Specifically, the AU must ensure that the industrial goods from India are of the highest quality and can complement Africa’s own efforts at industrialisation and development. The AU should also ensure that India make explicit pledges to reduce not only tariffs on raw materials but also finished products from Africa."
"Lastly, parallel to these attempts at global cooperation, we urge the AU to accelerate efforts at expanding trade among African countries. We believe that the 8.4% of Africa’s GDP that is traded among Africans, compared to 50.6% with the rest of the world, is unacceptable and leaves Africa vulnerable to all sorts of global trading enticements that may not always be to our benefit," a CCP spokesperson said.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The irony of the slave trade: African illegal immigration
It is ironic to observe that during the slave trade, millions of africans were captured, enchained and forced to cross land and oceans to end up as slaves in the "new world", and over 150 years after the abolition of slavery ( 1848), Africans are crossing deserts and oceans at the risk of their lives to end up as slaves in the West...
GLOBALISATION: The new Triangular Trade...
"Globalisation:" the new triangular trade of the 21st century.
The rules that regulate global trade are drawn by the industrialized (G8) countries and biased in their favor; the logic of the international rules regulating world trade are to source out the cheapest raw materials (neo-colonialism), produce in labor-cheap countries (neo-slavery) and re-export the finished products all over the globe at phenomenal profits, through the exploitation of both labor and resources in so-called Third World countries. (neo-imperialism). This strategy is referred to as “globalization”.
500 years ago, during Slavery, European Imperialism and Colonialism, global trade was based on what is historically labelled the Triangular Trade: Slaves were "imported" from Africa into the New World to work on plantations; the raw materials produced on these plantations ( coton, sugar, etc) were then shipped to the "old world" ( Europe) to be processed into finished goods; and finally, the finished goods were re-exported for sale throughout the world, in exchange for slaves, gold, and other "riches".
The new global trading system referred to as "globalisation" today is simply a new form of triangular trade. It is a global trading system which is based on both massive human exploitation and on the exploitation of natural resources in so-called "third world" countries.
Multinationals corporations loot mineral and other natural resources in so-called third world countries ( with the active support and hidden complicity of local politicians), export the looted raw materials in low-wage countries - such as India and China - to be processed into finished products using slave-wages and slave working conditions, and then re-export and sell the finished products in high wage countries - such as the US and the EU - at HUGE profits.
Thus, nothing has changed over the last 500 years; the gunpowder of Imperialism, the chains and whips of slavery and the looting, exploitation and human oppression that occured during the colonial era has simply been replaced by the the new global trading system referred to as "Globalisation", leading to the globalisation of poverty!
• Globalization in its current form creates and sustains poverty and inequalities in the rest of the world!
• Global exploitation of both labor and resources in so-called Third World countries is the foundation of globalization and leads to the globalization of poverty!
Reflexion by Vandana Shiva...
Quote by Vandana Shiva:
The most critical issue confronting the world today is:
1) Ecological sustainability
2) Social Justice
I think we have reached a stage where we need to find solutions to economic injustice in the same place and in the same ways that we find solutions to sustainability; sustainability on environmental grounds and social justice in terms of everyone having a place in the production and consumption system. These are two aspects of the same system. (Vandana Shiva, physicist, ecologist, environmental activist, author, etc.)
APE: Accords de Pillage Economique...
Les Accords dits de Partenariat Economique (APE) de L'Union Européenne (UE) sont (officiellement) des accords commerciaux de "libre" échanges « négociés » entre les pays de L'Union Européenne et les Pays de l'Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (ACP).
En réalité, les APE sont de véritables Accords de Pillage Economique dictés et imposés par l'Union Européenne aux pays ACP. L’objectif réel et visé des APE est d’enfermer DEFINITIVEMENT les économies des pays ACP dans l’économie de plantation et de renforcer le Pacte Colonial en Afrique sub-Saharienne.
Les APE constitue donc une véritable menace pour l’avenir économique, politique et social de l’Afrique et des pays ACP dont l’objectif final est la recolonisation (économique, politique, culturelle, sociale, etc.) des pays ACP et de l’Afrique par l'UE. En effet, les APE ne sont - dans le fond et en réalité - que le renouvellement et le renforcement de la politique du "Pacte Colonial" unilatéralement décidé, défini et imposé aux pays Africains par les pays colonisateurs Européen lors de la Conférence de Berlin en 1884/85...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Zeitgeist - The Movie
click on the title-link above to view the entire video.
" It has become appalingly obvious that our technology
has exceeded our humanity... MORALITY is of the
highest importance, but for us, not for God." Einstein
" Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power;
we have guided missiles and misguided men...if we are
to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those
precious values: that all reality hinges on MORAL
foundations and that all reality has spiritual
control...The Moral arc of the universe bends at the
elbow of justice." Martin Luther King
" MORALITY is the basis of all things and Truth is the
substance of all morality." Gandhi
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Les projets des Maitres du Monde pour un contrôle global des individus et de la société: 11 septembre,manipulations génétiques, contrôle des esprits, implants, traçabilité,économie,etc.
Mondialisation quand le FMI fabrique la misère 5/5
Mondialisation, quand le FMI fabrique la misère 4/5
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